“I Haven’t Filed My Tax Returns For Years”

People get behind in filing tax returns from time to time and often make the problem worse by never filing. The IRS will not just forget about you. The solutions to solve IRS problems often include filing old tax returns to get you in current compliance with the IRS. The IRS will not negotiate with anyone unless they are current with all required filings. This means all income tax returns and payroll tax returns, if you have employees.

The IRS assumes that if you won't at least get your required tax returns filed, then why waste the time trying to negotiate with you. It's a rather simple request and we have easy ways to complete old tax returns

Most people with un-filed returns are afraid of what will happen to them when they get back in the system. By using us to represent you, as you file these old returns, we will be the contact person with the IRS. We will deal with all the IRS communications and you can get straight with the IRS without worrying.


Please Contact Us to end the Worry and Stress of Your IRS Problems.





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Typical Problems
You're Not Alone

I Owe Too Much. Will The IRS Settle For Less? The IRS is Going To Audit Me? I Owe Payroll Taxes Do I Have To Pay All These Penalties? I Haven’t Filed My Tax Returns For Years I Lost My Records, Can I Still File? Does The IRS Have My Info? I Could Only Afford Small Monthly Payments. Is This OK? The IRS Is Going To Garnish My Wages The IRS Is About To Levy My Bank Account The IRS Is Going To File A Lien Against Me The IRS Is Going To Seize My Assets My Spouse, Fiancé, Ex Is Having IRS Problems” Could It Affect Me? The IRS Has Notified My Customers About My Problems Can The IRS Take My Social Security, IRA, 401K, and Pension?

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